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How Psychics Need Protection:


Psychics Need Protection from Psychiatry:


Psychiatry Falsely Diagnoses All Psychic Experiences as a "Mental Illness" Called Psychosis, with No Distinction Given Between the Psychic Realm and Psychosis


Psychiatry falsely claims that psychics (and people affected by the psychic realm) have psychosis, delusions, hallucinations, schizophrenia, etc...  and does not differentiate between psychic and "mental illness". In fact, the word "psychic" is not even found in psychiatry books or used verbally by psychiatric staff. Psychiatry just assumes all psychic experiences are a mental illness, inside people's heads alone. Psychiatry has been falsely calling psychics and people experiencing psychic experiences mentally ill since the end of the witchcraft trials in a horrible conspiracy, not yet made enough public. What is worse, psychiatry does not use any biomedical proof in its diagnosis.


Psychics Get Forced into Psychiatry, In-patient Hospitals or Out-patient Clinics, & Forced onto Psychiatric Drugs Against their Will


Many psychics and people experiencing the psychic realm get forced into psychiatry, in-patient psychiatric hospitals (or psych wards) via an actual arrest or out-patient clinics, where they are forced to take psychiatric drugs called anti-psychotics against their will. This is inhumane torture. The psychiatric staff pretend that their psychic patients are just going through "mental" illnesses instead of psychic experiences, and the anti-psychotics work to make the patient not affected by the psychic realm throughout the whole body, not just the mind.


Forced Psychiatry is through Secret, Closed Hospitals & Court Systems


And the government is not only allowing this, but it is also themselves forcing it on the citizens through arrests by the police into secret hospitals and a closed court system, not accessible in any way by the public. Plus, the court isn't given any or enough information by the hospital staff about the patient, and the court just allows the hospitals free reign, without listening to the patient.


Forced Psychiatry for People Experiencing the Psychic Realm is Government-Sanctioned


The government is part of the forced psychiatry for people who experience the psychic, through a court system, the police, the department of mental health, etc.... And sometimes the psychiatric hospitals where people who experience the psychic are placed are run by the government itself.


Psychiatry Asks Questions about the Psychic Realm in Diagnosing Psychosis, While Also Pretending they are Assessing "Mental Illness"


Psychiatric staff typically ask questions like "Do you hear any voices in your head?" (which can include telepathy and the voice of god and not just psychosis) or "Do you perceive (see or hear) anything that other people don't perceive?" (which also can include psychic perception and not just psychosis) before giving these anti-psychotics. Plus, there are numerous questions on the official psychiatric questionnaires, such as STEPI (Schizophrenia Test & Early Psychosis Indicator), to assess schizophrenia and psychosis easily found online which are about the psychic realm and which psychiatric staff rarely ask in person, like "Do you think you or some people can read minds?", "Do you have experiences with ghosts?", "Do you have the ability to predict the future?", "Do you believe you have supernatural gifts?", "Do you find that something controls your thoughts, emotions, & actions?" (psychic possessors, such as god), and many more such questions.


Psychiatry Gives Harmful Side-Effects from Forced Neurotoxic Poisons Called Anti-Psychotics


Psychiatry is poisoning psychic people (and people affected both positively and negatively by the psychic realm) with pharmaceutical drugs called anti-psychotics, which give them numerous neurological diseases and disabilities, like extrapyramidal symptoms, communicative disorders (speech, reading, writing, etc..), spinal column spasms, and more. 


Psychiatry Makes Psychics Non-Psychic with Neurotoxic Poisons Called Anti-Psychotics


Psychiatry is poisoning psychic people (and people affected both positively and negatively by the psychic realm) with pharmaceutical drugs called anti-psychotics, which make the people non-psychic (and also not or less affected by the psychic realm).


The Police are Arresting for People Psychic Experiences


If people tell the police that they are experiencing a psychic situation, the police arrest the people and place them into forced psychiatry.


Anyone Can Get Another Person Arrested for Experiencing the Psychic Realm


Everyone in the public has the ability to go to the government and report someone anyone else who claims to be experiencing the psychic realm and have them forcibly arrested into a psychiatric hospital with forced psychiatric drugging with anti-psychotics.


Psychics Harmed by Psychiatry End up Unemployed & Homeless Due to Side Effects of Psychiatric Drugs


Many psychics or people who experienced the psychic realm end up so destroyed by the negative side effects of the drugs that they end up unemployed and homeless. Also, a long, forced stay in a psychiatric hospital causes this to happen too. Some people even go and stay unemployed and homeless in order to hide from the corrupt government, protecting themselves. Some have to get away from the people that they know who are falsely turning them into the government's department of mental health for being psychic, thinking that psychic experiences are only psychosis, or schizophrenia, and have to start a new life.


Psychics Harmed by Psychiatry Sometimes Have to Move Away, Hide & Change their Identities


Often people's families and community are responsible for psychics getting harmed by psychiatry, and the psychic must move away and try to start a new life, with even a new identity, to not be harmed by their family or members of their community trying to turn them into department of mental health or psychiatry for being psychic or experiencing the psychic, since these people turning them in think that psychic experiences are only psychosis, or schizophrenia, and that when such situations occur the person is supposed to be forced into psychiatry. They change states to states that don't have their "mental health" records with "mental health" being state controlled, immigrate to a foreign country that has no "mental health" records on them already or that perceive the psychic realm not so much the same way, and even try to seek political asylum and gain new citizenship to new countries that don't have the same criminal psychiatric practices.


No Warning Given to the Public about this in Advance


No one is warned in advance that psychiatry does this by force behind closed doors; people find out when it happens shockingly to themselves. Before it happens to themselves, they assume psychic abilities and phenomenon must be allowed since such is found in entertainment like tv shows and movies (though some entertainment shows psychics harmed by psychiatry), in psychic businesses, and in churches and since they are never told in school that psychic is classified as psychosis.


No One Perceives the Contradiction & Injustice of Allowing Publically Some Psychics & Often Secretly Not Others


Religious institutions such as synagogues, churches, mosques, and temples; psychic readers; paranormal investigators; parapsychologists; quantum physicists; psychic bloggers; etc...  are allowed to exist publically and to make money without being forced into psychiatry and forcibly psychiatrically drugged, but others are secretly not allowed to exist and are forced into psychiatry and forcibly psychiatrically drugged. With so many people being allowed to work in and experience the psychic realm publically, people don't realize that there still is a secret policing of people experiencing the psychic realm happening for some unlucky people. Most people don't think that it is possible that so many psychics be allowed to publically exist while others not, so most people falsely assume those receiving psychiatry because of their experience of the psychic realm must actually just be the "mentally ill" as psychiatry claims (when psychiatry uses no biomedical proof in its diagnosis). It does appear that people not part of organizations or businesses working in the psychic realm, but experiencing the psychic realm as individuals, are more at risk for psychiatric arrest. And it seems random for when a person gets psychiatrically arrested or not, when they speak about the psychic realm.


The Public is Not Yet Helping the Situation


No one has yet to create an organization or business to help these people, and they are not yet mentioned in the news. The psychiatric court cases are closed to the public. For the most part, only the victims are aware that this is happening, and they complain online in self-interest support groups or create entertainment about it like tv show episodes and movies. No one is even protesting about it yet, at least not inside the U.S.A.


The United Nations is Not Yet Recognizing or Helping Psychics as a Group Needing Protection from Persecution


The United Nations has no mention yet of this group on its websites. It mentions and protects religious people against persecution in general so far, but not psychics or people experiencing the psychic outside of religion, and not religious people persecuted by psychiatry in religious countries. It mentions that it is against forced psychiatry as it is torture and inhumane, but it does not mention different reasons forced psychiatry is being used, such as for psychic experiences. It can be assumed that the United Nations does not even know of the problem or does not recognize the psychic realm as existing outside of religion.


There is No Political Asylum yet for Psychics Persecuted or Harmed by Psychiatry


No country is yet known by this organization to offer political asylum to victims of psychiatry for having psychic experiences. And no country is yet known to not psychiatrically persecute people experiencing the psychic realm.


There is No Known Justice for Psychics Harmed by Psychiatry


Psychics harmed by psychiatry have nowhere to go. They cannot go to the United Nations, other countries, or even law offices and lawsuit psychiatric facilities for being persecuted for being psychic or experiencing the psychic.



Copyright 2020-2025 Protect Psychics

This site and website were created by Melissa Kay Kinder.

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