"Protecting PSYCHics from PSYCHiatry"
How We Protect Psychics:
In order to protect psychics from psychiatry, we attempt to do the following:
* Government Elections
* Protests
* Rallies and Other Events
* Complaining to the United Nations for Assistance
* Letters to Legislatures like U.S. Congress
* Government Consulting
* Political Asylum & Immigration Assistance to Psychic Victims
* Creating Technology to Proof the Psychic Realm
* New & Better Research into the Psychic Realm
* Lawsuits against Psychiatric Centers
* Lawsuits against the Government
* Contacting the News Stations
* Writing Magazine, Journal, Newspaper, etc... Articles
* Creation of Better Psychiatric Businesses which Don't Harm Psychics
* Creation of Better Schools which Teach that People are Psychic and are Being Harmed in the Country
* Creation of Psychic Education & Development Centers
* Force an Opening Up of the Psychiatric Court System to the Public so that Psychiatric Malpractice Can be Better Monitored, Especially in their Harming of Psychics
* Create Entertainment (T.V. Shows, Movies, Novels, etc...) which Displays the Problem
* Create Documentaries about the Problem
* Raise Awareness for what is Happening
* Promoting the Creation of Charter Cities where Psychics are Allowed and where Psychiatry does not Harm Psychics or People Experiencing Real, Non-detrimental Psychic Experiences
* Get School Curriculums Changed so that the General Public Know that Psychic is Diagnosed as Psychosis in Advance
* Get the Word Psychic Used More in Psychiatry
* Assist the Psychiatrically Poisoned Psychics with Finding Homeless Shelters When they Go Homeless Due to the Drugging
* More...