"Protecting PSYCHics from PSYCHiatry"
We are not yet looking for workers, but we will soon be looking for:
- volunteers
- interns
- commission-based workers
who have university degrees in:
- psychology
- parapsychology, metaphysics, paranormal sciences, ...
- quantum psychics or quantum mechanics, ...
- healthcare, public health, ...
- human rights, social or human justice, justice studies, ...
- victimology, victim advocacy, ...
- law, criminal justice (particularly business criminology), ...
- social work, human services, ...
- sociology, anthropology, ...
- political science, public affairs, government, health policy, ...
and who have worked:
- as psychics themselves
- for psychic-based (consulting, investigation, research, etc...) organizations
- for anti-psychiatry or psychiatric reform organizations
But anyone with an interest in helping this cause will be welcomed.