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Info on Psychics:


Psychic (or Paranormal) Experiences Include Any of the Following:


  - telepathy (communications inside the mind or other parts of the body) - empathy (feeling other people's emotions) - feeling other people' diseases and bodies - remote viewing or clairvoyance (psychically seeing or knowing what is happening in other locations that one is not currently in) - psychic healing of diseases, including psychic surgery - seeing, hearing, or experiencing in other ways ghosts or other spirits - all religious experiences and beliefs, including but not just god(s), angels, and demons - precognition or retrocognition (seeing or knowing the future or the past) - shapeshifting (changing the size, shape, and other aspects of appearance of the whole or part of one's or others' bodies) - time travel - multiple dimensions - teleportation - psychotronics/psionics/psychic technology - nanobots - psychokinesis (psychically moving objects across room) - x-ray vision (seeing into or through a person or object) - astral projection (temporarily leaving one's body) - psychometry (obtaining information about a person or object by touching) - any superhuman/metahuman powers - outer space aliens - UFOs, especially advanced space ships - invisibility/cloaking - full or partial body possessions - witchcraft - magic - psychic parasites - giving diseases psychically - psychic attacks on the body of all kinds - dream control/manipulation of others - thought control/manipulation of others - emotional control/manipulation of others - personality control/manipulation - behavioral control/manipulation - voices inside the mind - materializing/conjuring objects or people that were not already there - clouds giving messages with images - sun, moon, and star paranormal experiences - holographic universe / matrix simulation theory experience (experience in which the earth and all of us seem to be a computer simulation similar to a videogame program, the holodeck/hologram room in the "Star Trek" tv show, or to the dream matrix program in the "Matrix" movie) - automatic writing (psychically possessed writing) - witnessing advanced, sci-fi-like technology - any experience at or as a psychic reader - and any other experiences shown in sci-fi and fantasy movies and tv shows



* For the Purpose of Our Organization, Psychics Include People who:


- are actually psychic themselves

- have had or are having psychic experiences

- believe in the psychic realm

- practice with the psychic realm

- study the psychic realm

- and more...



* Percentage of People who Believe in Psychics:


- 50% of people believe in psychic abilities and the psychic realm.

- around 50% of people have had a psychic experience.

- a massive majority of people believe in religions (& religions involve the psychic realm).



* Proof of Psychics & the Psychic Realm:


- the modern scientific community has no proof that psychics and psychic phenomenon either exist or do not exist (even though psychiatry, without any biomedical proof, constantly diagnoses people experiencing any good/beneficial, neutral, or bad/harmful psychic experiences as mentally ill with an illness called psychosis or schizophrenia)

- better scientific research is needed to proof the psychic realm

- people tell each other about their experiences in person and online

- sci-fi and fantasy tv shows, movies, novels, comic books, video games, music videos, and other entertainment display the truth of the psychic realm as existing, while also displaying the truth of psychics and people experiencing the psychic being harmed by psychiatry and needing protection

- psychic readers/counselors are allowed to work for money

- paranormal investigators are allowed to work for money

- religious institutions such as Jewish synagogues, Christian churches, Islamic mosques, Buddhist temples, etc... are allowed to be open and to make money

- police, military, and intelligence organizations supposedly hire people who are psychic

- there are online groups for people to meet and discuss their experiences with the psychic realm

- there are online blogs and other websites explaining about the psychic realm

- many, many people say that they have had psychic experiences


Copyright 2020-2025 Protect Psychics

This site and website were created by Melissa Kay Kinder.

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